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Get Help Repaying Your Business Merchant Cash Advance Debt

Callee Debt Solutions provides much-needed relief to small business owners who are in too deep with their business merchant cash advance debt. This debt is crippling businesses and preventing them from growing. With our help, these businesses can now focus on growing their business.

If you have a merchant cash advance, your interest rate is probably high. Merchant cash advances are typically used to finance business expansion or equipment. It's called a cash advance because the amount is disbursed immediately and must be repaid over time with interest. A merchant cash advance is expensive and should only be used when a business has exhausted other financing options.

Trouble Managing a Merchant Cash Advance

If you can't make the payments on your merchant cash advance, your business might go into default. This could mean that you lose access to your equipment and have to close your business until you can pay off the balance of the loan.

The creditor might garnish your wages or seize funds from your bank accounts or even reach out to your customers and vendors, which can be humiliating.

Getting Your Account Back in Good Standing

Work out an alternative repayment plan with your lender as soon as possible. Don't wait until you are months behind on payments before reaching out to them; they may not be receptive if they think you've given up hope of working things out and are just asking for more time to pay off the debt.

Working With Callee Debt Solutions

We help overleveraged businesses settle or restructure their business debt.

Before reaching out to speak to one of our MCA Debt Relief Specialists, be aware of your cash flow and financial position.

Whoever is most aware of what your organization is spending and the financial goals of the company, should be present on the call to ensure we are getting accurate details.

Steps to start the process

  1. Get in touch to see if you qualify for our program

    1. Call 239-488-7103

    2. Or schedule an appointment

  2. Have lender agreements and 3 months of bank statements handy. This will help us to see any fluctuations in revenue, to identify if the company is involved with any aggressive MCA loans, determine what type of impact the loans have had on the business.

  3. Conduct a Comprehensive Business Debt Consultation. During this debt strategy session, it is important to be as forthcoming as possible. This will allow us to provide the best strategy possible. Our solutions can generally cut payments in half helping our clients to improve cash flow almost immediately.

  4. Prepare for Enrollment.

What does it look like when Callee Debt Solutions helps a small business owner with too much debt?

You need our help if:

  • Your payment terms are suffocating the growth of your business.

  • You are falling behind on your major business expenses.

  • You have difficulty paying yourself.

  • You have had to dip into savings to make payments.

Contact Callee Debt Solutions today. We have multiple lender relationships that allow us to quickly and efficiently arrange an MCA loan consolidation that is tailored to your needs.


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